Zoe Saldana out and about in Adriano Goldschmied

Zoe Saldana, the newest Avon Ambassador is looking absolutely gorgeous in her AG Adriano Goldschmied Stilt Cigarette Jeans. I totally love the casual chic look, very elegant. Thank you Onada for sharing this with us.

Remember to keep Haiti in your prayers, God will strengthen them and ease their mind with His peace. This will be an amazing opportunity for them all.
You can go to Wyclef's YELE HAITI EARTHQUAKE FUND to donate towards the relief operation.


ChicLeVogue said...

She looks amazing. The purse, the shoes, the hair, the jeans, everything. 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.

1511th said...

She does!

Niks La Mode. said...

dag! hmmmmm mb i would like to be a size 0 lol

great shout to haiti!

Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

Dude I want those shoes and those jeans!! Hurry up and open pleassseeee

pinkdiamondstl said...

Love her shoes!!!